Saturday, March 28, 2009

Power Out!

Yesterday we had a scheduled power outage, which was fun.  All the RAs had to be nearby with flashlights in case there was a problem.  Before the power out, we all had to make sure to charge computers, use our microwaves to make dinner, and have the heat turned way up!  We knew that as soon as the power went out and the sun went down, it was gonna get really cold really fast.  I skyped with my mom and had a very enlightening discussion while the lights flickered on and off. Never really did need the flashlight though...  

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Snow Day!

I was up at 6:00am this morning running on little sleep to prepare for a Mechanics and Materials test.  The test started at 8:00am for the extra time kids and by the time I got there, my clothes were soaked through with snow.  A couple hours later I was on the last part of the last problem on the test when the proctor got the call.  The exam for the normal students was postponed 'til next week and the school was officially shutting down.  Now I am in the dorm, finally caught up on sleep.  Some of us decided to stay in and watch a movie, then I slept for a few hours.  The RAs are not supposed to leave the building, all the residents are restless right now so they need us to keep tabs on everyone...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Hidden in Plain Sight...

There is an area on campus, in between a parking lot and main road, where I like to hide.  No one ever thinks to looking in that little valley with the huge tree trunks, orange creek and cement blocks.  Today I spent a lovely afternoon there, praying intently with GOD.  Very relaxing, very peaceful...

Monday, March 23, 2009


Today I received a pleasant surprise.  Mom and the Seniors drove up and took Ian and I out to lunch.  This is going to be an insanely tough week with two tests, a report, presentation and program.  This on top of normal life and homework.  My family coming up to visit was an amazing way to begin this.  We had a wonderful time!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Yep, it's that time again, time for squirt guns!  The entirety of Weaver Towers started playing Assassins last night and it's getting pretty funny.  Chelsey and I were doing our circuits homework in the lobby last night and having fun watching residents trying to scope out their targets.  Some people get really into it, changing all their info and pictures on Facebook, some even their names!  This game is also known as the Facebook Stalking because the way Chelsey set up the game, few people actually know their targets.  Wouldn't want to make it too easy!  The best part last night was when the two RAs on duty remembered that they had to do an outside round.  They clutched their water guns, took friends for backup and ran the perimeter of Weaver Towers!  Zach was totally ambushed, so Dana tried to distract the assassin while he got away.  Oh my goodness, was it funny to watch!  I absolutely love this game.

The Big Fancy Camera...

One of my favourite times of the semester is always when we have our big semi-annual sponsor meetings at the Steel Center.  This is the time when Dr. Matlock gets really excited about pictures and lets me borrow his big fancy camera for the week.  Seriously, my job is to attend several formal events and just take as many pictures as I can.  Pretty sweet!  Now I'm sitting the the computer lab with three computers running.  I'm burning CDs of presentations and editing all the pictures.  I love this job!

Saturday, March 14, 2009

Battle of the Orange...

The stage was set.  In the background, a dramatic Tchaikovsky song was playing and skype was making noises, calling for my attention.  I held my flimsy plastic knife and stared down the orange. It couldn't be that difficult right?  After all, Grandma always make it look so easy.  Yeah, ten minutes later I was realizing just how difficult this could be.  My beautifully clean sink area of yesterday now had sticky orange juice everywhere!  Junior was happy though, feeling well-fed and that's what mattered!  I had won the battle, but now had a lot of cleaning up to do.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Crazy Break...

This spring break has been a little different than normal, very crazy.  There was the day that Amy, Bethany and I spent scheming about different things to do to Ian (Bet had the best one).  There was the day that Ian, Caleb, Brandon, Amy Bethany and I all hung out here and made 144 cupcakes.  There was the day I got to meet Ian's family (very fun).  There was the day I took Amy's senior pictures outside in the freezing cold.  There were errands to run, places to go, people to see and hanging out to do.  In between, I took naps and read a few books.  It's been a whirlwind of a break, but I have enjoyed every minute of it.  Tomorrow I will return to CSM to do homework and have a short break from my break.  Soon my next round of tests will start and then all I have left is finals!  Time is flying all too quickly...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Spring Break!

After staying up until 4am dealing with crazy residents, I am now home an officially on spring break.  My is it nice!  I am looking forward to relaxing, hanging out with my family and making cupcakes!  Sleep, sleep is good too.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

A Crazy Day!

Yesterday I went with out with five other people who did Singled Out last week.  We had around 25 dollars per person to spend, so we decided to make the best use of it.  We all first went to Mimi's for lunch, which was nice, and then glow-in-the-dark mini golf.  Haz (one of the other female RAs) and I kept things lighthearted by being so bad and playing it up.  I definitely hit people more than I ever hit it in the hole.  Afterward, we all headed to Cold Stone.  It was a ton of fun!  Haz and I agree, we never thought when we were voluntold for Singled Out that it would actually be that much fun.  After we finally got back, I had about an hour to myself before Devyn came over to get ready.  A few of us were going to the Colorado Symphony Orchestra.  I ambushed her with a water gun to get her back for a prank she played recently.  The fun part was that she was on the phone, so she couldn't get away!  The CSO was playing music from several of the great Russian composers, which was amazing.  Getting there, well, everything that could go wrong, definitely tried to.  I had so much fun though!  The night was incredible, like a fairy tale.  I came back to reality really fast though, when I got back to Weaver and walked into a prank.  That one I got to deal with until 7:30 this morning.  Oh well, the magic of the night still far surpassed the annoyance of the prank!