Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hard Lessons...

Sometimes it's not the grades so much as it is the lives that you save that are important...


Patty said...

You did an incredible job, sweetie, especially considering you were holding down not one, but two jobs on campus at the same time. And one of those jobs was 24/7 and made a huge difference to your residents and your hall director. I'm so proud of you!!! Never doubt that for a second. I love you so very much!!

Anonymous said...

You are so right, sweetheart! Grades only measure a small amount of your college years. The more important part of your college experience is the lives that you have touched as you were their "moral compass", a shoulder to lean on and a strong mentor. God knows your heart and He is pleased, I am sure. We are so proud of the young woman you have become and the responsibilities you have shouldered these past 2 years. We love you, Laura
The Seniors